Thursday, 10 July 2014

Mapping between permutations and natural numbers

This algorithm is composed of two functions, one mapping a natural number between 0 and n!-1 to a unique permutation, and the other its inverse. Both are in O(n), you can find the code here:

See here (Joren's answer) for a good explanation on Lehmer's code which my algorithm is based on. The algorithm he presents is in O(n^2) because it needs to find the nth element in an array filled with holes. This means it needs to iterate over the elements in the list until it finds the nth non-empty element.

My idea was to keep a list without holes, which means finding the nth remaining element in one operation. To do this, every time you remove an element from the array, you swap the last element of the array in the position of the one you just removed. We can thus keep a list without holes doing only a few operations each time we remove an element: elems[ind]=elems[n-i-1].

You can work out the inverse function yourself it's pretty fun.

 public static int[] perm(int n, int k)  
      int i, ind, m=k;  
      int[] permuted = new int[n];  
      int[] elems = new int[n];  
      for(i=0;i<n;i++) elems[i]=i;  
      return permuted;  
 public static int inv(int[] perm)  
      int i, k=0, m=1;  
      int n=perm.length;  
      int[] pos = new int[n];  
      int[] elems = new int[n];  
      for(i=0;i<n;i++) {pos[i]=i; elems[i]=i;}  
      return k;  